Boulder County Sheriff’s Office Rescinds Saint Vrain Tubing Bans
The Boulder County Sheriff's Office (BCSO) has lifted the tubing bans for the North Saint Vrain and the Saint Vrain Creeks in Lyons.
According to a press release from BCSO, Sheriff Joseph Pelle determined that "the spring runoff into the North Saint Vrain and Saint Vrain Creeks" is no longer dangerous for tubers.
BCSO previously enacted the ban, known as the Partial Use Restriction of the North Saint Vrain and Saint Vrain Creek from Apple Valley Road to North Foothills Highway in Boulder County, on June 9.
The restriction prohibited inner tubes, air mattresses, and other single-chambered air-inflated devices from being used on the water.
Poudre Fire Authority (PFA) has also banned tubing on parts of the Poudre River, following 18 rescues this season. The North Shields and Legacy Park parking lots are currently closed to limit river access.
PFA believes that conditions will improve in late July but says that "the river is not safe for recreation right now."
Earlier this month, the agency reminded residents to "Play It Safe on the Poudre," an initiative launched in 2017 after two people died on the river.
"The Poudre River is a community treasure. It is also powerful and unpredictable," said PFA. "Our hearts go out to the people who have lost loved ones. Please remember their stories and make smart decisions."
If you see someone in distress on the river, call 911. Report non-emergency situations to (970) 221-6540.
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