Denver Public Library Refuses to Pull Controversial Dr. Seuss Books
For years, National Read Across America Day (March 2) was a chance to cherish reading and honor the beloved children's author Dr. Seuss.
But this year's holiday was clouded by controversy after allegations that the author's work was "racist and insensitive" came to light, prompting calls for the banning of some of his books.
Dr. Seuss Enterprises took the criticism seriously, even announcing that it would remove six of the books in question from publication: "Ceasing sales of these books is only part of our commitment and broader plan to ensure Dr. Seuss Enterprises' catalog represents and supports all communities and families."
However, the Denver Public Library (DPL) is not following suit.
According to CBS4, the library will not pull any of Dr. Seuss' controversial works in accordance with the American Library Association's Freedom to Read Principles, which state that it is important for libraries to host a variety of viewpoints — even if they are deemed offensive.
"Libraries across the country are having conversations around how to balance our core values of intellectual freedom with the harmful stereotypes depicted in many children's classics," DPL said in a statement to the station. "We will continue to purchase and promote diverse collections, while finding ways to help parents read and discuss books with their children with a critical eye as part of our efforts to challenge inequity."
While they'll still be available at the library, the following six books will no longer be published:
- And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street
- If I Ran the Zoo
- McElligot's Pool
- On Beyond Zebra!
- Scrambled Eggs Super!
- The Cat's Quizzer
This hasn't deterred the public from getting their hands on the author's works. In the past several days, prices have skyrocketed on Amazon.
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