Recently, there has been a lot of action in Colorado’s legislature.  

Of course, we have seen new gun reforms take effect this year with the banning of ‘ghost guns’.

We have also seen the state government add limits to the use of gas powered lawn equipment starting in the summer of 2025. 

Finally, there’s also a proposal that would completely ban the use of cellphones without a bluetooth device for adult drivers. 

However, another proposal has hit the floor in the Colorado House of Representatives, with this one targeting the deceptive practice of hidden fees. 

Proposed House Bill 1151 Looks to Force Companies to Disclose Hidden or Junk Fees

Justin Edmonds // Getty Images
Justin Edmonds // Getty Images

The new bill created by Representative Naquetta Ricks (D-Aurora) looks to force companies in Colorado to be completely transparent about added fees. 

Per 9NEWS, Ricks had recently gotten an additional $200 fee at a hotel for what the company called a ‘resort fee’. 

A resort fee is a great example of a hidden fee. The fee is meant to cover perks that are typically listed as free, such as internet along with gym and pool access. However, hotels in some areas are able to advertise the prices of their rooms without the cost of the resort fee. 

According to Colorado Politics, companies would have to disclose any extra fees for concert tickets, utility bills, along with the aforementioned hotel industry. 

However, industries that would not be affected include restaurants, airlines, and car dealerships.

What Was the Reception for the Bill in Colorado’s House of Representatives

The bill was recently passed by the House Business Affairs and Labor Committee, where it got a 7-3 vote in its favor. 

Maggie Gomez, a representative of the Wisconsin nonprofit State Innovation Exchange, backed the bill in her testimony to the committee. She cited a similar Califorina bill that completely nixed hidden fees as a template for success. 

Another testimony was given by Ruthie Barko of Technet, a group of technology CEOS and executives. She argued that bills such as these should only be passed at the federal level.

With the passing of Bill 1151 by the House Business Affairs and Labor Committee, it will soon be deliberated on the Floor of the House.

LOOK: What major laws were passed the year you were born?

Data for this list was acquired from trusted online sources and news outlets. Read on to discover what major law was passed the year you were born and learn its name, the vote count (where relevant), and its impact and significance.

Gallery Credit: Katelyn Leboff

12 Frequently Asked Questions About Colorado's Weed Laws/2022

Amendment 64, under Governor Hickenlooper's term in 2012, was the one that made recreational use of, and retail sale of, marijuana OK for Coloradans. How much has sold, and what's the state of legal weed in the state? Here are some answers to your most asked questions about legal pot in Colorado.