Local rangers do a great job of educating the public, enforcing the rules, and keeping Fort Collins' parks and natural areas as safe as possible, for both humans and animals alike.
It doesn't get much more iconic Wyoming than this. A large elk herd described as "a beautiful train" was spotted crossing a road in Grand Teton National Park.
It's vital to do everything you can to stay at least 100 yards away from larger and more dangerous wildlife in Yellowstone. But, what do you do when you have a surprise up-close encounter? A veteran hiker in Yellowstone just had this happen and made lifesaving decisions that all of us can learn from.
A family was driving near the Mammoth Hot Springs area of Yellowstone National Park when they realized there were others on the road. Not just vehicles, but also a lone howling gray wolf that was holding up traffic.
Are you a morning person? No? Then perhaps you can identify with a grizzly that just woke up from a long hibernation in the Tetons and does not appear to be in a good mood. At all.