Why Does Everyone Wear Red on Fridays at This Fruita Colorado Tavern?
If you walk into a certain bar in Fruita, Colorado on a Friday, you'll notice everyone is wearing red. What's going on?
It's going to happen again this Friday, and you can be a part of it.
What's Up With the Red Shirts On Friday's in Fruita
If this were an episode of Star Trek, we'd all be in trouble. For that matter, we're not referring to Red Friday, the Kansas tradition, either. In this instance, the significance of red has nothing to do with a longstanding tradition of supporting the Kansas City Chiefs.
Supporting the Troops
Well, at a tavern in Fruita, it's an entirely different story. Check out Koko's Tavern in Fruita this or any other Friday and you'll notice everyone is wearing red. By everyone I mean the staff, owners, and the majority of the customers. Most of the bands wear red, too.
The Significance of Red on a Friday
This is part of a movement taking place all over the United States. According to the website starspangledheroes.org:
RED is an acronym that stands for Remember Everyone Deployed. R.E.D. Friday was created to remind people of our heroes overseas and show that we are thinking of them. People across the country wear red every Friday to serve as a reminder and spread the message of how important it is that we keep our troops in our thoughts.
How Did This Get Started?
Have you ever encountered one of those social media chains requesting you forward a message to ten friends? Well, one theory suggests that's how this began. According to starspangledheroes.org, an email chain such as this began back in 2005. Another theory, according to military.com, states the initiative began in Canada in 2006.
Fire Up Your Red Clothing
Whereas this Fruita tavern is concerned, the majority of people simply wear a red shirt, as in a red polo, tank top, etc. There are special "Remember Everyone Deployed" shirts in red for purchase on the internet, but they are not required. In my case, I purchased an $8.99 polo on Amazon, and it seems to work just fine.
According to military.com any item of clothing will do, there's nothing stating it has to be a shirt. A few weeks ago a friend of mine wore red boots. Do you happen to own a red tie? Red pants (it could happen)? If it's red, make a point to wear it this and every Friday.
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