Open Since 1994, The Outlets at Loveland Mall Nears Fading Into History
For years, it seems, The Outlets at Loveland has seen better days. More recently, the signs are clear: This 'mall' is on its way out, after 25+ years.
It's very clear that before long, people will be looking at the northwest corner of I-25 and Highway 34 in Loveland asking, 'Do you remember when they had that outlet mall there?'
In the fall of 2021, I went over to the Outlets at Loveland to take a look at what shops were still out there. Today, there are even fewer. It's really pretty sad, when you think of all the commerce and fun that went on 'out 'there' when the outdoor mall was busy with shops and people.
Having grown up in Loveland, I was here when they first opened in 1994. A few things that I remember about the Outlets at Loveland
- Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory.
- Bose - I only went in there once, but is was neat to have one in Loveland.
- The "Worlds Largest Yard Sale" that our stations held out there a couple of times.
- Cheap books.
- Cheap kitchen gadgets.
- Being excited about it all.
These days, it's hard to be excited about much regarding the outlet mall, there off of McWhinney Boulevard. Most people are going there either for church or to buy Christian books; not that I have anything against those endeavors, it's just... not the same. They don't even have a website.
I have been working diligently trying to track down what's going on at The Outlets at Loveland since Santa Cops of Larimer County announced in February of 2022, that they'd have to be out of their Outlets location by the end of March.
The Outlets is owned by a group out of California, Craig Realty Group. The Outlets at Castle Rock manager also manages the Loveland location. I have reached out that manager and to Craig Realty Group several times to see if anyone can explain why businesses' leases have been canceled or put on month-to-month, to no avail.
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Turns out, The Coloradoan has tried the same and had better luck with getting some information. McWhinney has offered to buy back the property from Craig Realty Group, but was rejected. The Coloradoan, like myself, did not get any kind of response when reaching out to Craig Realty.
I've only heard scuttlebutt about maybe some apartments/housing (amazing, right?) coming into the area, at some point, but that's not much to base a story on; so, I've had my 'what's going on at The Outlets at Loveland?' article on the shelf for months. I think we can agree that 'something' is going on.
In my opinion, it's about the loss of what was once a very nice and interesting place just languishing now as it fades into just memories. I hate seeing it like this; I'd rather it becomes something else as opposed to looking so sad.
I would guess that by the spring of 2023, we'll have a much better idea of 'what's happening with The Outlets at Loveland.'
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