Dear Colorado Drivers: It’s Time to Learn How to Zipper Merge
Behold, the zipper merge — but what is it?
According to Ayres, it's a driving technique that goes like this: "Drivers use both lanes of the highway until the point where one lane ends, and then take turns merging into the single lane — just like a zipper closing."
In case that didn't make sense, here's a video.
This may seem easy, but apparently, it's not — because Colorado residents cannot zipper merge for the life of them.
Since I work there, I'm going to pick on Windsor as an example. Every day on my way to the radio station, I come to the part of Main Street where the right lane is going to end.
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I, like Robert Frost, take the road less traveled by and stay in the right lane until I can comfortably merge into the soon-to-be single lane, skipping a boatload of traffic.
What does everyone else seem to do? Get into the left lane as early as possible and clog up the road. What's worse, some people will speed up to prevent me from merging back in before reverting to their preferred pace of 10 miles under the speed limit.
Why?! Are people afraid? Do they think the zipper merge is reserved for big cities like Chicago or New York?
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It's not. In fact, I have the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) to back me up: "In a Zipper Merge, please be respectful of those who wait to merge until just before the lane ends; they are doing it correctly."
Boom. Look, I'm not saying I'm the perfect driver — we all make mistakes — but this is something Colorado should learn to do.
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