A dog went missing last Sunday in Pagosa Springs, Colo. A possible location was reported a week later and she was found trapped on a frozen waterfall until rescued.

Trapped Dog On A Frozen Colorado Waterfall

Most dogs, at least mine, finds any and every possible way to cause trouble. This pooch however took getting herself into a slippery situation to a whole new level.

The pup and her owner were doing some backcountry skiing when she went missing last Sunday, Jan. 9. Being lost and alone in this cold Colorado weather made it feel like there would be a sad ending to this story but that's not the case in this one.

This past Sunday morning, Jan. 16, a full week after the dog had gone missing, the Sheriff's Office in Archuleta, Colo., had received multiple calls and tips regarding the sound of a dog barking in the area of Treasure Falls in Pagosa Springs, Colo.

After investigating the reports, they confirmed that the missing dog was trapped at the very top of Treasure Falls. Without hesitation, members of the Wolf Creek Ski Patrol, Upper San Juan Search & Rescue, and the Archuleta Sheriff's Office went to work to save the pup.

As mentioned in the Facebook post above from the Archuleta Sheriff's Department, they were able to successfully rescue her on Sunday afternoon, after a week of being stuck outside in the cold without any food, water, or shelter.

She was reportedly in great spirits and was excited about getting some food, warmth, and snuggles. Who doesn't love those things?

A big thank you to the amazingly brave folks who risked their safety to safely rescue this sweet pup and get her back with her owners. Not all heroes wear capes, my friends.

Speaking of Dogs, this looks awesome. Escape to the Great Outdoors with these Colorado Dog Sled Tours

Grab your winter gear and an extra-large cup of hot chocolate as we head out into the snow on these Colorado dog sled tours.

Source: Out There Colorado

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