Denver Is a Top 20 City for Halloween, Why Not Fort Collins?
Halloween is less than a week away, and if you're anything like me, you still don't have plans.
Every year I tell myself I'm going to have my costume planned out and in my possession by September and my friends always promise to have the night planned out before the fall chill even hits. But somehow, every year, I sit at the one-week-away mark and still don't have any idea what to do.
Luckily, Fort Collins is only an hour from Denver. And, even more coincidentally, Denver is actually ranked in the top 20 cities for Halloween, according to Wallet Hub.
This doesn't come as too much of a surprise, especially considering how much there is to do in Denver on any given, regular day.
But, you would think with Fort Collins being a college town, and not a small one either, it would be ranked. However, as I've looked around during my last-minute planning, I truly can't find anything to do in Fort Collins except go to a bar.
Except I want to wear my costume somewhere and, at 23, the choices for that are slim to none.
So what gives, Fort Collins? I know I don't mind driving to Denver, but it is a bit of a trek, especially given this year's Halloween falls on a Sunday.
In Wallet Hub's study, one of the factors in ranking these cities was looking at trick-or-treater friendliness. This seems like it would apply to Fort Collins considering the city has a fair amount of families and quiet, safe neighborhoods for trick-or-treating.
Where Fort Collins falls short is in all-inclusive events. Like I said, it's hard to find anything to do that isn't 21+, maybe 18+ if you're lucky.
So, my suggestion to you is this: throw your own party! Make it as age inclusive as you want, and you can involve any spooky activities that you probably wouldn't find elsewhere.
And, if you do decide to make the weekend drive to Denver, please remember to stay safe, drive responsibly, and take care of the people you are with.
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