Did You Know the Ghost Town of Delhi, Colorado Was in a Movie?
Situated in a desolate area of Las Animas County is the abandoned town of Delhi, Colorado. The ghost town is just about halfway between Trinidad and La Junta on U.S. Route 350, but it's so small that many people drive right past it, not even knowing what once was. However, there's some interesting history to this tiny, Colorado location.
Delhi sits at an elevation of 5,090 feet along the old Santa Fe Trail.
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Not much remains standing in Delhi these days. There are a few former cabins, some skeletons of cars, and random outbuildings, but they are all in pretty rough shape. Additionally, the foundation of the Delhi “One Stop” General Store serves as one of the last reminders of this prairie town, though, the Pepsi image on the side of the building is bleached and faded and the windows are all boarded up. The run-down structure was originally built in 1935 and also served as a gas station at one point in time. Travelers could conveniently fuel up before setting back out on the open road to wherever they were headed.
Delhi was also known as the last place in Colorado that had a working wigwag railroad signal. These types of railroad signals swing like a pendulum to motion an approaching train. Wigwags were once a common crossing signal used across North America, but there aren't many of these lights left in current times. The remnants of Delhi's wigwag signal are right past the town's official green sign, off of the main two-lane highway that runs directly through the unincorporated community. However, in 2021, the wigwag was replaced with standard railroad crossing flashers.
Surprisingly, the speck of a town was used for a scene in the 1973 movie Badlands starring Martin Sheen. Sheen's character refuels a stolen vehicle at the One Stop gas station in Delhi before driving away after he sees the sheriff.
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