Loveland Residents Rally Around Stranger, Showing Her True Love of Community
The power of community shone brightly in Loveland over the last few days.
A woman named Helen Morris shared a beautiful and courageous story of how Loveland rallied around her, a stranger to the area, to make her feel like Loveland was her second home in just six short days.
The beginning of Helen's time in Loveland
In Morris's Facebook post, she says she had moved to Loveland six days ago with her fiancé of two years. According to her story, she found out three days after moving that he had been unfaithful. His family reportedly took him in after Morris said enough was enough and left her three days to leave.
However, the story took a heartwarming turn.
Overwhelming random acts of kindness
In a desperate time of need and knowing no one, Morris experienced love and support from several members of the Loveland community.
The first instance was a stranger in Target whose random kindness touched her heart. Morris never got her name.
Morris was then touched by the generosity and consideration of a woman who helped her load her things into her car after she picked up her U-Haul. The woman shared her number with Morris, and so a stranger became a friend.
She was then approached by Pastor Jeff from Revive Church after she arrived back at her house. According to Morris, she had never met the pastor before, but he brought his family to help her pack up her U-Haul and offer her friendship and a place to stay for the night so she would be safe.
A kind gesture can truly change someone's life
As the day went on, Morris was approached by several people offering friendship, help, and conversation. As she got to her hotel for the night, Morris was again faced with the generosity of the stranger as the woman at the counter considered her circumstances and offered her a lower rate.
Kindness can go such a long way, regardless of if you know someone's story or not. Loveland is called the Sweetheart City for no reason. These Lovelanders showed a woman what love truly means and made Loveland feel like home in just a few short days.
Townsquare NoCo received permission from Helen Morris to share her story.
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