Take a Trip Down Memory Lane with this Vintage Colorado TV Travelogue
Colorado has been a popular tourist destination for many years, and while a lot has changed in the Centennial State, the things that have remained the same are what continue to draw people from all over the world here to visit.
In a television travelogue from the 1960s, host Jack Douglas detailed what vacationers could expect when planning a trip to Colorado. Although more than 60 years have passed since the footage was shot, residents will recognize many of the highlighted hot spots that were recommended for tourists to visit. In fact, many of these places, including Elitch Gardens and Pike's Peak Overlook, still attract thousands of visitors each year.
The beginning of the video boasts all about what Denver had to do at the time. People were encouraged to check out the best panoramic view of the city from atop a downtown bank building, as well as to stop by the sculptures in City Park. The travelogue also brags about the "world-famous" Elitch Gardens, where guests could have "fun under the sun," although the amusement park looked very different back then. More fun included a miniature golf course in the heart of the city - can you imagine if this was still the main attraction in Denver nowadays?
The tourism video continues on by talking about Central City, which at one time, was actually known as the richest square mile on Earth. During the 60s, vacationers poured into this tiny town, lining it bumper to bumper.
Another main attraction highlighted in the footage is the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs. Apparently, during the 60s, people flocked to tour this campus, which for the time had a very modern design and architecture. Douglas explained he had never seen anything like the chapel on the grounds of the Air Force Academy.
More Colorado attractions that the travelogue spoke about that would still be just as fun to visit today, include Buffalo Bill's grave, the Garden of the Gods, Royal Gorge, and the Sand Dunes. Of course, the video also mentioned other huge tourist stops that continue to leave people in awe like Rocky Mountain National Park, Black Canyon of the Gunnison, and Pike's Peak.
Travelers who come to Colorado are still left in awe by everything that the great state has to offer. Douglas states it best in the travelogue when he says, "you could spend weeks on months in Colorado and wish you had years. The trees are green, the skies are blue all awaiting you when you answer the call of Colorado."