Colorado Locking Pill Bottle Could Spread Across the Nation Soon
A crazy-cool invention that originated in Colorado may soon be expanding to healthcare providers and private parties all across the nation in the very near future.
The invention is a locking pill bottle, much like a bike lock with a combination, and goes by the name Safe Rx.
What is Colorado's Safe Rx Pill Bottle?
Safe Rx is a very unique invention that is the brainchild of a doctor out of Fort Collins by the name of Sean Serell. The original concept behind the invention was essentially a child-safe bottle taken to the next level, designed to ultimately curb the number of people taking prescriptions that don't belong to them.
While the company, currently based in Denver, was quite successful in the state of Colorado over the last few years, the next year or so could see significant growth in the company and the bottles could very well be showing up in medicine cabinets across the county.
Colorado's Safe Rx Plans to Expand in 2023
After a successful run in the company's native Colorado, Safe Rx has plans to expand with the ultimate goal being the support and reimbursement for providers from insurance companies.
In addition, Safe Rx is looking to expand just what the bottles are used for, which they hope will include all controlled substances, medications that put infants at risk, and even detergent pods and nicotine products.
However, it would appear that even now, people are trying to outsmart the Safe Rx bottles with popular YouTube searches including topics such as what to do if you forget your combination, and 'hacks' related to getting into the bottles without the combo.
Regardless, it's looking good for the Colorado company and 2023 could shape up to be a very successful year for Safe Rx.
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