Last week, Texas Governor Greg Abbott declared that Texas was planning to open 100% and do away with their mask mandate. Businesses can officially open at full capacity. After backlash from the rest of the country, Abbott, according to ABC News, noted that "there's never going to be a uniform agreement on this."

So, how does Colorado and, to a more specific extent, Governor Jared Polis feel about this?

According to The Denver Post, Polis has officially extended our state's mandatory mask order for another 30 days, effective starting March 5. To Abbott's credit, he was right about the nation continuing to be divided over this issue. While Colorado continues enforcing masks, Texas joins Iowa, Mississippi, Montana and North Dakota as states that won't.

Polis said in the executive order:

"As we take steps to return Coloradans to work, we must continue to take measures to facilitate reopening the economy while protecting public health by taking steps to incorporate best practices to protect individuals from infection."

Polis also mentioned that masks are an inexpensive way to effectively fight the COVID-19 virus. All of this comes on the one-year anniversary of COVID-19 first being detected in Colorado.

The City of Fort Collins joined several cities in remembering the sad anniversary on Friday, tweeting the below:

Friday glowed magenta for those affected by COVID-19 and for the one-year anniversary of Colorado lives being turned upside down by the pandemic.

The NoCo Virus Tracker articles are made possible by our partners, the Keep NoCo Open campaign that reminds citizens to wear a mask, wash your hands, physically distance and support local as Northern Colorado recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic.

COVID-19 Vaccine Locations in Fort Collins


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